Sunday, November 19, 2017

Is drinking coffee / caffeine harmful to your kidneys?

Many people think that coffee causes diseases such as insomnia, high blood pressure and diabetes. In addition to these conditions, the Centers for Disease Control reported only 4.5 million new cases of nephropathy in 2009, and some researchers wondered if it was related to coffee consumption. Scientists now believe that caffeine may contain antioxidants beneficial to health, after all, it may not help kidney disease.

Since the discovery of coffee in Ethiopia more than a thousand years ago, the various health effects of caffeine have been written page by page. As a psychoactive substance, caffeine is restricted or even prohibited by many reasons, including religious belief and "over-stimulation." Books about possible sexual hysteria have also been written

But let's talk about it objectively and healthily. I will limit the cardiovascular and renal effects of coffee (the effect of coffee is dose-dependent; note that an 8-ounce coffee contains about 100-200 mg of caffeine)

Glomeruler filtration rate

Glomerular filtration rate or glomerular filtration rate (GFR) is the best measure of renal function and determines if you have kidney disease and staging. Elevated GFR is associated with an increased risk of kidney disease. A January 2010 study published in the British Journal of Nutrition found that habitual coffee, which consumed one or more cups of coffee per day, was associated with an increase in GFR levels. Researchers can not pinpoint the link between coffee consumption and kidney disease and suggest further research on these effects.

Kidney stones

Kidney stones are hard tumors that develop from urolithiasis and can be quite painful. Diet may play a role in the development of kidney stones. Researchers at Harvard University published the results of a study in the 1996 American Journal of Epidemiology that found 8 ounces daily. Whether it is caffeinated or decaffeinated coffee, the risk of kidney stones is reduced by 10%. A 2004 study in the urological journal reported that caffeine may modestly increase the risk of developing specific types of stone calcium oxalate.

Polycystic kidney disease

Polycystic kidney disease or PKD is a common genetic disease that can lead to high blood pressure, kidney failure, and other illnesses. A study of laboratory rats published in the November 2001 issue of the American Journal of Nephrology found that caffeine exacerbates hypertension in PKD rats and the researchers suggest that you limit your coffee consumption if you have PKD In 4 or daily caffeinated coffee.

Renal Failure

Kidney failure, when your kidneys stop working, may require dialysis or kidney transplant. Researchers at the University of Pittsburgh Medical School evaluated the impact of long-term caffeine use on renal failure and published their findings in the International Journal of Kidney in 2002. They found that feeding caffeine to obese diabetic rats exacerbates kidney failure in mice. This effect may be due to an increase in cholesterol levels and proteinuria, or an excess of protein in the urine.

Given the detrimental effects of hypertension on the kidneys, it seems likely that reducing caffeine intake can indirectly have a beneficial effect on the kidneys. However, evidence of this has not been completely eliminated, although it is possible that this "meaningful" caffeine can harm the kidneys. So if we look at the overall data available so far, consuming 3-4 cups of coffee per day does not increase the risk of kidney disease. This applies to ordinary people. There are also special situations like kids and the elderly that need to be aware of other cardiovascular and diuretic effects.

The information I bring home: If you do not meet any of the special categories mentioned above, consuming the right amount of coffee may be safe from a kidney perspective!

Pumpkin and kidney diet

A peasant friend sent a fresh pumpkin to my mom's front porch. Yes, it was the time of the year - the beginning of the autumn harvest, the cool nights, and the coming leaves turning bright colors to celebrate the passing of another year.

As we are discussing how to deal with pumpkins, the question arises: "How do pumpkins adapt to the third phase of chronic kidney disease?" Answer: I collected some diet tips and data on pumpkin to share with you.

Pumpkin is an important source of beta-carotene (a precursor to vitamin A) and potassium. This is a good source of fiber and iron. Half a cup of fresh boiled pumpkin contains 25 calories, 1 gram of protein, 5 grams of carbohydrate, 0 grams of fat, 1 milligram of sodium, 37 milligrams of phosphorus, 280 milligrams of potassium and 1.3 grams of fiber.

Due to the high level of potassium, hemodialysis and hyperkalemia crowd or low potassium diet should limit the pumpkin.

To reduce the potassium in fresh pumpkins, potatoes and winter bamboo shoots, cut into small pieces and soak in a large basin of warm water for more than 2 hours. Another way is to cook small slices of pumpkin for 10 minutes, drain, add fresh water and then boil until cooked. Potassium usually reduces the original 1/3 to 1/2.

Canned pumpkin contains a similar amount of potassium as fresh cooked pumpkin and contains 250 mg per ½ cup, with most brands free of added sodium. In contrast, ½ cup squash pie contains 280 milligrams of sodium, 186 milligrams of potassium and 62 milligrams of phosphorus. Pies are made with salt, sugar and spices such as allspice, nutmeg and cinnamon.

The prepared frozen pumpkin cake contains about 350 milligrams of sodium, 250 milligrams of potassium and 100 milligrams of phosphorus for 1/6 of a 9-inch cake.

Pumpkin kernels are unfriendly to the kidneys: 2 tablespoons contain 228 mg potassium and 332 mg phosphorus. If roasted with salt, sodium from 5 mg to 160 mg.

Pumpkin is a healthy choice for those with kidney disease at an early stage of CKD that does not require potassium limitation. Fresh or low sodium canned pumpkin is the best choice. For patients with low-potassium diet, pumpkin may be included in small quantities. For best results, stick with recipes modified to a kidney-friendly diet to maintain potassium, phosphorus and sodium intake.

So what can you do with fresh pumpkin? Cut it into small pieces and make a pumpkin - consider making your pumpkin with your own pumpkin on a fall holiday. Make a pumpkin pie, pumpkin bread or homemade pumpkin soup. If you prefer, you can always engrave your pumpkin on the Jack light.

Benefits of broccoli to CKD patients

As we all know, diet plays an important role in our daily life, so CKD patients should attach great importance to diet. The benefits of broccoli for patients with kidney disease Basile is a healthy food that people of all countries in the world love and is also a common ingredient in European cuisine. Time magazine ranks fourth among the ten healthiest foods. So, broccoli for kidney disease patients what are the benefits?

Benefits of broccoli to CKD patients

Broccoli's nutritional content is very rich. Broccoli in a variety of minerals, such as calcium, potassium, iron, zinc, magnesium and so on. In addition, broccoli is also rich in vitamins, protein, carbohydrates and so on.

The most helpful feature of broccoli in patients with kidney disease is prevention of cardiovascular disease. Broccoli contains a large number of flavonoids, is the best blood vessel cleaning agent. It can lower cholesterol, blood lipids and high blood pressure, but also prevent platelet aggregation. These features of broccoli are very useful in preventing cardiovascular disease. We know that CKD patients are most likely to have cardiovascular disease, which is also the leading cause of death. Eating broccoli helps to reduce this risk.

In addition broccoli is rich in ascorbic acid, can promote liver detoxification function, help to improve the patient's immunity. In addition broccoli is rich in vitamin C, helps to prevent infection. Although patients with kidney disease should always pay attention to the prevention of infection, because the infection will seriously aggravate the patient's condition, taking broccoli can help them to improve the situation.

In addition broccoli can also bring many benefits to the patient. For example, the most obvious effect of broccoli may be to prevent cancer, is very beneficial to children's growth, in addition it has anti-aging function, is the ideal choice.


People should pay attention to some aspects when taking broccoli.

One is the case of broccoli suitable for the growth of vegetable bugs, while pesticides often have residual pesticides. Therefore, patients should be immersed in saline for a few minutes, which can solve this problem.

For people with CKD, they can eat some broccoli, but not too much, otherwise the kidneys may be damaged rather than protected.

In addition, a small percentage of the substance causes swelling of the thyroid gland, which can be resolved by increasing iodine in the diet, which can be obtained from iodate or seaweed. Therefore, pay attention to when eating broccoli.

Saturday, November 18, 2017

What should we do if creatinine level 3.4?

3.4 Creatinine Levels Nephropathy patients often face the same problem of high creatinine levels, which means their kidney function begins to decline. 3.4 creatinine level is fatal? What should we do? If you want to know the answer, keep reading.

Normal creatinine levels range from 0.5 to 1.2 mg / dL. Creatinine 3.4 is three times normal. If creatinine levels can not be reduced, it will gradually increase, resulting in further damage to the kidneys. But this is not fatal. In general, kidney disease is not fatal if you are treated to control your symptoms so you do not have to worry about it being fatal. What you should do is lower your creatinine level and protect your kidney function.

Creatine excreted urine. Without edema, drinking enough water can increase urine output, thereby lowering serum creatinine levels. However, if you have edema, you should limit water intake. In addition to water, but also pay attention to protein intake, because the protein such as meat can produce creatinine, resulting in high levels of creatinine, but this does not mean that to avoid eating meat. You can consume the right amount of food to meet your body's needs. In addition, you should avoid violent activities.

The above measures can help you to control creatinine levels, but can not fundamentally cure your kidney disease. Once you abandon these habits, your creatinine level rises again. Your creatinine level remains stable only if your kidney function improves. Chinese medicine micro-Chinese medicine infiltration therapy, medicated bath, immunotherapy, foot bath, blood pollution treatment, etc., through the repair of kidney damage, improve renal function and reduce creatinine levels. By inhibiting kidney inflammation, improve blood circulation, prevent kidney fibrosis, provide a variety of nutrients to help your kidneys repair themselves.
Although kidney disease can not be cured, we should not give up hope. Give new therapies a chance to give yourself a better chance of life. If you are interested in learning more, feel free to leave a message or send an email to

Creatinine 8.5 needs dialysis in renal failure

I am a kidney failure patient. I recently had a blood test and my creatinine level rose to 8.5. My doctor advised me to do dialysis. Creatinine 8.5 Need to dialysis?

I am happy to receive your email. Your creatinine levels go well beyond normal, and dialysis is often used to excrete extra toxins in your bloodstream. However, once creatinine levels increase, there is no need for dialysis. Even if creatinine levels reach 9 or 10 mg / dl or more, some patients do not need dialysis. It depends on your condition.

If accompanied by nausea, vomiting, muscle cramps, drowsiness, swelling and other serious symptoms, it is recommended dialysis.

But if you still have urine, no obvious symptoms, such as high blood pressure, fluid retention and heart failure, can delay dialysis.

You should be aware that if your potassium level is above 6.5 mmol / l and you can not control your medication, you should start dialysis immediately. In addition, dialysis is urgently needed if you are attacked by metabolic acidosis and have a pH below 7.2.

Since I do not know your situation, I can not conclude that you can send your medical report to and I will reply to you after I read your report. Or you can consult your doctor and get a better understanding of your condition. good luck!

Is it safe to drink high-creatinine patients with coconut water?

High creatinine is safe to drink Coconut water High creatinine level is an important measure of renal function. To lower or stop rising, the daily diet is important. As we all know, drinking coconut water can save us from various health-related problems. So drinking high creatinine coconut water is safe?

High creatinine levels are due to increased creatinine production or decreased creatinine excretion and are often associated with renal status. Determining whether a patient with high creatinine levels can safely consume a food should be based on the nutritional structure of the food and the condition of the patient.

Here are some of the health benefits of coconut water that you may want to be aware of.

Coconut water can help diabetics.

Coconut water is rich in nutrients, people with diabetes need to control blood sugar levels. Long-term or poor diabetes control can lead to kidney disease. Therefore, diabetes can drink some coconut water to reduce the chance of kidney disease.

Coconut water can lower blood pressure.

Hypertension is the second most common cause of kidney disease. Because coconut water contains enough electrolyte, it can serve as a mechanism for lowering blood pressure.

Coconut water has diuretic effect.

Coconut water is effective as a diuretic because it speeds up the flow of urine. As urine volume increases, waste can excrete urine from the body. This can reduce high creatinine to some extent.

Coconut water is good for cardiovascular health.

Coconut water reduces the risk of a heart attack. Coconut water also helps to increase good cholesterol, making it a wonderful cure for maintaining good cardiovascular health. This is very important for people with kidney disease because cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death in patients with kidney disease.

Coconut water to prevent muscle spasms.

Most patients with kidney disease have muscle spasms. One of the biggest benefits of coconut water is to prevent muscle spasms.
Although coconut water has many health benefits to patients with kidney disease, patients can not drink without restriction. This is because coconut water also contains sodium, sugar, and saturated fat, which tends to exacerbate the patient's kidney condition. For example, patients with high blood levels of potassium should avoid drinking too much of this water because of the high potassium content of coconut water. If you have any questions, feel free to leave us a message or send an email to We will give you guidance as soon as possible.

Saturday, November 11, 2017

3.6 Does creatinine mean dialysis?

Patients with creatinine 3.6 may wonder if they need dialysis. Some patients may be recommended by a doctor, but the truth is no one is willing to accept dialysis treatment, so they are confused. Is there any relationship between dialysis and creatinine?

What does 3.6 creatinine mean in chronic kidney disease?

Clinically, creatinine 3.6, which is caused by pathological factors, means that the kidneys have been moderately damaged and now the disease is in its third phase, which is an important stage of kidney disease. If well controlled, the progress of the disease can be postponed and controlled. But if not well controlled, the disease can quickly worsen. Therefore, patients in such situations are required to attach great importance and act promptly to prevent the disease from deteriorating.

How to reduce the high creatinine level?

You know that high creatinine levels are caused by kidney disease, so if you want to reduce it, you should first correct your kidney disease.

Micro-Chinese medicine infiltration therapy is a relatively novel treatment of chronic kidney disease, clinically proven effective and convenient. Can relieve high creatinine, swelling, proteinuria, hematuria and other symptoms. Control complications such as reducing the risk of heart problems. More importantly, it can help repair kidney damage, block the progression of kidney fibrosis and gradually restore kidney function.

3.6 Creatinine levels mean that more than half of kidney function has been lost and therefore it is of paramount importance to reduce creatinine levels by repairing kidney damage and increasing renal function. In that case, chronic renal failure, dialysis and kidney transplantation can be effectively prevented. Primary disease control is also very important, what is your primary disease, is hypertension, diabetes, infection, PKD or infection? Tell us more about you.

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

What does creatine 16 mean?

Should I worry about creatinine16? Of course, the answer is yes. Creatinine 16 is much higher than normal (0.5 ~ 1.3mg / d). In general, creatinine 16 refers to the patient's condition aggravated as renal failure or advanced kidney disease. Worse, this can lead to heart failure or other life-threatening problems.

What does creatine 16 mean?

Creatinine is a byproduct of muscle metabolism and is usually produced by the body at a fairly constant rate (depending on muscle mass). Serum creatinine is an important indicator of how well your kidneys work

Creatinine levels in the blood have a critical range (0.5-1.1 mg / dl for women and 0.6-1.2 mg / dl for men). You can see how high creatine 16 is. This means that you have reached end-stage renal disease (ESRD) and glomerular filtration rate (GFR) has dropped below 15ml / min. In general, dialysis is recommended. Can you be better once dialysis?

Dialysis is considered a "kidney wash" process. It will replace the kidneys to filter excess waste and toxins. If dialysis efficiency is high, patients will soon see a drop in creatinine levels. Can relieve some symptoms, such as swelling, proteinuria, high blood pressure and so on.

However, lowering creatinine 16 is not the best treatment because dialysis repairs damaged kidney cells and does not improve kidney function.

What treatment is natural and effective to reduce creatinine 16?

Undoubtedly, I recommend TCM-based micro-herbal infiltration therapy. Thousands of years of practice have proved that Chinese medicine is naturally effective in treating various diseases.

It works by dilating blood vessels, resisting inflammation and clotting and degrading the extracellular matrix. This can promote blood circulation, thereby accelerating the excretion of creatinine. More importantly, the active ingredients of these drugs help the kidneys repair themselves by providing enough blood and oxygen.

So, with this therapies, you can lower creatinine from the roots. More importantly, you can avoid some dialysis side effects such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, muscle spasms, infections and sleep disorders. For those who have already received dialysis, this treatment can also reduce the frequency of dialysis, and even avoid dialysis.

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Can high creatinine levels drink pineapple juice?

Can high creatinine levels drink pineapple juice? High creatinine levels are indicators of renal impairment. Then the patient needs to follow strict eating habits. Is pineapple juice beneficial for patients with high creatinine levels? Pineapple has many health benefits, and patients with higher creatinine are generally in good condition.

Is pineapple suitable for people with kidney disease?

Most fruits should be avoided due to their high levels of potassium, such as banana and orange kidney disease. However, pineapple is a good fruit choice for kidney diet.

Pineapple for low potassium diet plan, 125 mg potassium, 1/2 cup frozen or canned, 2 rings or 3/4 fresh. If the patient is able to moderate this fruit, they will avoid adverse consequences, such as heartbeat irregular or even heart failure.

Pineapple phosphorus content is low, vitamin C and fiber content is high. These compound supplements are beneficial for patients with kidney disease.

Depending on the presence of the added juice or syrup, it is fat free, less than 1 gram of protein and 13 to 26 grams of carbohydrates.

In general, pineapple juice is a good drink for patients with high creatinine. But that's not enough. The key to high creatinine levels is to repair kidney damage and improve renal function. This can be achieved by first removing the toxins of the blood to remove the blood, then by improving blood circulation, preventing inflammation and clotting, degrading the extracellular matrix and providing nutrition to improve renal function. Once your kidney function is improved, your high creatinine levels will decrease from the roots. Other symptoms such as skin itching, swelling, proteinuria and loss of appetite can be effectively alleviated.

As can be seen from the above, eating pineapple can help you control some of the symptoms. But before joining the diet, you'd better talk to your doctor first. If necessary, please contact us.

Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Bone disease in chronic kidney disease

Chronic kidney disease can affect the mineral balance in your bones – there are several ways in which these problems are managed and treated.

What is renal bone disease cause by?
People with Chronic Kidney Disease sometimes find their bones get weaker and thinner – becoming painful or breaking more easily – as a result of mineral loss. The most common types of bone disease happen when:

A change occurs in the balance between two important minerals in your body - calcium and phosphate - leading to loss of calcium from your bones.

Four small glands (parathyroid glands), which help to regulate calcium in your body, become too active.

A change occurs in the way your body uses vitamin D, a mineral that is important to healthy bones.

Each of the four types of bone disease affect bones in a different way:

Phosphate is in most foods you eat and whatever is not needed in the body is usually removed by your kidneys. When your kidneys have stopped working normally, phosphate may build up in your blood. Too much phosphate in your blood leads to loss of calcium from your bones, which tends to weaken them. Eating foods that are low in phosphate can help to prevent phosphate from building up in your blood. You may also need to take a medicine called a phosphate binder which helps to stop phosphate from being absorbed from the food you eat

Because phosphate stays in your body when your kidneys are no longer able to remove it, four small glands in your neck (parathyroid glands) become too active. When this happens, calcium is removed from your bones over a long period of time, causing them to weaken. Usually, this problem can be helped by making changes in your dialysis treatments, having a low phosphate diet and taking certain medications such as calcium and vitamin D. Surgery is sometimes necessary to remove some of these glands

Vitamin D is an important vitamin which affects your calcium balance. Normally, vitamin D from the food you eat and vitamin and mineral supplements, is changed by the kidneys into an ‘active’ form that can be used by the body. If your kidneys have failed, they can no longer do this important job. Fortunately, the active form of vitamin D is available as a medicine that can be ordered for you by your doctor if needed. (On the whole, over –the-counter vitamin D supplements should be avoided by people with Kidney Disease. Check with your doctor about the right supplements for you. The amount of vitamin D found in the foods you eat is not a problem.)

Will modifying my diet to help prevent renal bone disease?
By reducing phosphate in your diet, you can help to prevent the amount of phosphate in your blood from becoming too high. Foods high in phosphate include:

Dairy products such as milk and cheese

Dried beans and peas

Nuts and peanut butter

How can renal bone disease be treated?
Your treatment may include one or more of the following:

Reducing phosphate in your diet

Taking a medicine called a phosphate binder

Taking medicine with the active form of vitamin D

Changes in your dialysis treatment

An operation to remove the parathyroid glands

Will a kidney transplant help my bones?
A successful kidney transplant may help your bones to heal from the damage that may have occurred during the time prior to your transplant. However, immunosuppressive medication (corticosteroids) taken by some kidney transplant patients can cause problems.

2136/5000 Как уменьшить креатинин от 2,6 до 1,4

Креатинин является побочным продуктом мышечных судорог. В целом, уровень его в крови сохраняется стабильно. Высокий креатинин всегда указывает на повреждение почек. Как уменьшить креатинин от 2,6 до 1,4?
Нормальный диапазон креатинина сыворотки
В общем, нормальный уровень креатинина составляет от 0,5 до 1,1 мг / дл для женщин и от 0,6 до 1,2 мг / дл для мужчин. Тем не менее, стандарт может изменить безразличную больницу и лабораторию.
Независимо от того, каковы нормальные диапазоны уровней креатинина в сыворотке, общие методы лечения для снижения уровня креатинина в сыворотке одинаковы.
Лечение для уменьшения креатинина 2.6
● Уменьшите потребление натрия и белка
Креатинин 2,6 указывает на умеренное снижение функции почек. Пациенты находятся на стадии 3 Chronic Kidney Disease (ХБП). Поврежденные почки не могут фильтровать отходы, образующиеся после метаболизма мышц, а также некоторые минералы, такие как натрий, калий и фосфор. Чтобы ограничить натрий и белок в диете, необходимо уменьшить работу почек и защитить оставшуюся функцию почек.
● Избегайте сильных упражнений
Сильные действия могут ускорить работу мышц для производства большего количества креатинина. Тем не менее, некоторые мягкие виды деятельности, такие как плавание, ходьба, езда на велосипеде, тайцзи и йога, могут быть приняты.
● Лекарства
Иногда лекарства очень необходимы для облегчения внезапных и серьезных симптомов, таких как белок или кровь в моче, рвота или диарея, высокое кровяное давление и головная боль и т. Д.
Вы должны быть очень осторожны в дозировке лекарств. Проконсультируйтесь с вашим врачом или напишите нам по адресу для получения предложений.
● Природные методы лечения
Отчеты о побочных эффектах долгосрочной или большой дозировки медикаментов невелики. По сравнению с внебиржевыми лекарствами, наши методы лечения более естественны и эффективны, поскольку они являются внешними приложениями. Что более важно, лекарства, которые мы используем, - это традиционные китайские лекарственные средства (TCM). Они содержат свойства, которые могут расширять кровеносные сосуды, бороться с воспалением и деградировать внеклеточные матрицы. Этими способами можно улучшить кровообращение и восстановить поврежденные почечные ткани.
Если вы хотите узнать подробности о наших методах лечения, пожалуйста, не стесняйтесь обращаться к нам.

Sunday, October 29, 2017

Moringa benefits of kidney failure

is a traditional medicine for the treatment of kidney disease. Moringa contains some chemicals such as alkaloids moringa, substance moringinan and substance pterigospermin. Moringa's Benefits in Renal Failure Patients with kidney failure have health benefits:

1. Vitamin A and Vitamin C are abundant: For patients with kidney failure, due to severe dietary restrictions, may not be able to provide enough vitamin A and vitamin C. In this case, they will be favored.

Moringa is a rich source of calcium: the kidneys have the function of maintaining electrolyte balance, once the kidneys do not work, the blood levels of phosphorus is easy to rise. High phosphorus can lead to lower levels of calcium in the blood, leading to various bone problems such as bone pain and fractures. Milk is considered a rich source of calcium, but the presence of calcium in the moon leaves is higher than milk. Therefore, taking moringa will be very beneficial for patients with renal failure to avoid.

3.Moringa helps prevent anemia: anemia is a common complication of renal failure, a direct deterioration of kidney disease. In the case of renal failure, many illnesses can lead to anemia, iron deficiency is one of the reasons. Moringa contains a lot of iron, so often eating moringa helps to a certain extent effectively prevent anemia.

5.Moringa helps balance the body's cholesterol levels.

5.Moringa helps fight against diabetes because it is also known as balanced sugar levels.

Moringa has a digestive capacity that helps to solve the digestive problems in renal failure.

Its antimicrobial properties are also famous.

Although moringa has so many health benefits, it does not mean that all patients can eat it. Moringa protein and potassium levels are high, so for patients with high potassium levels and severe protein-controlled renal failure, you must consult your doctor.

Creatinine level 1200 without dialysis treatment

"My mother was suffering from ckd." The doctor told us yesterday that his creatinine level rose to 1200. What should I do to avoid dialysis? He does not like dialysis. " This question comes from our mailbox In order to reduce the height of the creatinine 1200 without dialysis, the key treatment is to save their own kidneys.

What is high creatinine 1200

Creatinine is a muscle metabolic waste that excludes the body through the kidney. Healthy kidneys can effectively maintain the formation and excretion of creatinine, creatinine range of 59 ~ 104umol / L. High creatinine 1200 indicates that chronic kidney disease has developed into uremic phase.

What is creatinine level of 1200 without dialysis treatment

In our hospital in China Shijiazhuang kidney hospital, our traditional Chinese medicine treatment can help you to repair your kidney and improve your own kidney function to avoid dialysis. Treatment usually includes:

Blood pollution treatment

First you need a clean blood environment. Blood contamination treatment is a treatment for treating blood before treating kidney disease. Creatinine 1200 means that your blood has a lot of toxins and waste. If not treated, the kidneys may be further damaged. Blood Contamination Treatment combines a variety of blood purification methods such as hemofiltration, blood perfusion, plasma exchange and immune absorption to purify your blood. It can reduce your high creatinine level to a certain extent. In addition, this treatment also provides some essential elements for your kidney recovery.

Micro TCM treatment

Micro TCM treatment is usually combined with blood contaminated therapy. Micro TCM treatment is an external application based on Chinese medicine. You only need to lie in bed to take this treatment. Two pills with processed herbs are placed on your lower back. The osmotic machine directly helps the active ingredient enter the kidney by penetrating the skin. It has the function of dilating blood vessels, providing nutrition, degrading extracellular matrix, preventing inflammation and clotting. Through these functions, renal function can be greatly improved. However, this treatment is only applicable to people who still pass urine. Because it shows that the blood has a certain amount of blood flow to your kidneys, so our drugs can flow through the blood and function to reach the kidney. Foreign patients need to come to China for treatment. We have no branches in India and other countries. If you are interested, you need to come to China for treatment.

In addition, we have some support for treatment, such as Macon mixture, medicinal foot bath, medicinal soup and acupuncture and so on. If you would like to know more about kidney disease treatment, you can leave a message or send an email to